Saturday, April 16, 2011

WDC 2011 Results

My shrieks this morning may have alarmed the neighbours, but I could hardly contain myself. For the second time in a row Yulia and Riccardo won the world dance championships!

The final results were as follows:

1.) Riccardo Cocchi - Yulia Zagoruychenko (USA)

2.) Michael Malitowski - Joanna Leunis (Poland)

3.) Sergey Surkov - Melia (Russia)

4.) Franco Formica - Oksana Lebedew (Germany)

5.) Andrej Skufca - Melinda Torokyorgy (Slovenia)

6.) Maurizio Vescovo - Andra Vadilaite (Canada)

But that was not the only (pleasant) surprise. Maurizio and Andra were in the finals as well, placing sixth. Franco and Oxana were knocked from the third spot by Sergey and Melia. Is this an indication of Blackpool next month? We'll see.

The live cast of the finals made it quite difficult to see all of the couples dancing. Hopefully some YouTube videos will be posted soon.

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