Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Another First - My Costume

One of the most exciting components of competing is the costume. I spent ages researching, thinking about colours and other various shiny options. However, the design we settled on was swayed by other more practical ideas. As a “new” dancer, we decided that we would have to hide my weaker/under-utilized body parts – mostly my back. We settled on something similar to Oxana Lebedew’s 2008 costume.

Working with a designer, we drew up a design. I wasn’t too excited to be honest, since I wasn’t completely sold on the idea. But I needed to have faith, I thought. At the first fitting, I burst into tears. I hated it! It felt like a ballroom burkha! It was also quite different from what Oxana’s costume looked like. I seriously considered getting another costume, but funds and timing did not allow for this. Upon further reflection, I decided that we needed to shorten it and cut some holes in the bodysuit to make it a little sexier. Anything!

Well, the final outcome wasn’t so bad. On one hand, it was certainly unique. Did I love it and feel fabulous in it? No, not really. It still wasn’t me nor was it sexy enough for my liking. I love the colour though…

But like with all of my ballroom experiences, there is a learning here. Trust your instinct. If you feel that you are being heavily influenced by others and are placing blind trust in others, don’t do it! Create something that suits your personality and style. After all, you’re the one walking on to the dance floor.

I'm already in the midst of creating my next costume, and it's going to be fabulous.

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