Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Russians will Indeed Take Over the World!

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed how most of the top dancers in the world are European (mostly Easatern European)? Anyone awesome is from Russia, Italy or Poland. It really got us thinking - well do they maybe have power in numbers.

Research shows that Russia indeed leads with 35%. Russia is followed by Italy, Germany, and Poland, with 8%, 5%, and 4% of all couples respectively. In fact us non-European dancers (Asian, American, Canadian etc.) are a minority - we make up 10% of the entire dance population. I feel like we should all procreate and have ballroom dancing babies! Or hopefully all of the people watching Dancing With the Stars will be inspired to put their kids in ballroon classes.

*I just wanted to mention that all calculations were based on numbers from

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fuel for the Body

Don’t they say – you are what you eat. I have always taken that for granted. I try not to eat crap, but my willpower is useless when it comes to chocolate and fries. However, I have realized that I do need to eat better if I would like to get through a hard-core evening of dance practice. My legs are of no use to me if they are trembling. Plus when I’m exhausted the mind doesn’t let the body do anything.

So I started to do some research, and I’m more confused now than when I started. Some people say protein it up, others carb it up and some article even recommended chocolate milk after exercise. Who wrote that article? The Dairy Board? Others say drink Gatorade to keep the electrolytes pumping. I’m extremely fearful of sugary beverages, and Redbull for that matter – so no thank you.

My resolution: Eat all of it in moderation. So I have planned a meal containing carbs, protein (including a protein shake) and some fruit thrown in for good measure. Healthy! It did get me through the night (almost 3 hours of dancing) and I wasn’t all that hungry after. I had a glass of milk and I was off to bed. My findings reveal a healthy well balanced meal prior is all I seem to need. Oh yes, lots of water! Especially during exercise – but no chugging!

In doing some more digging, I found the following article about nutrition for dancers. Hope you guys find it helpful.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what works for them? I’d be very much interested in hearing what works for you.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Another First - My Costume

One of the most exciting components of competing is the costume. I spent ages researching, thinking about colours and other various shiny options. However, the design we settled on was swayed by other more practical ideas. As a “new” dancer, we decided that we would have to hide my weaker/under-utilized body parts – mostly my back. We settled on something similar to Oxana Lebedew’s 2008 costume.

Working with a designer, we drew up a design. I wasn’t too excited to be honest, since I wasn’t completely sold on the idea. But I needed to have faith, I thought. At the first fitting, I burst into tears. I hated it! It felt like a ballroom burkha! It was also quite different from what Oxana’s costume looked like. I seriously considered getting another costume, but funds and timing did not allow for this. Upon further reflection, I decided that we needed to shorten it and cut some holes in the bodysuit to make it a little sexier. Anything!

Well, the final outcome wasn’t so bad. On one hand, it was certainly unique. Did I love it and feel fabulous in it? No, not really. It still wasn’t me nor was it sexy enough for my liking. I love the colour though…

But like with all of my ballroom experiences, there is a learning here. Trust your instinct. If you feel that you are being heavily influenced by others and are placing blind trust in others, don’t do it! Create something that suits your personality and style. After all, you’re the one walking on to the dance floor.

I'm already in the midst of creating my next costume, and it's going to be fabulous.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Starstruck at the Embassy Ball

If not to compete, one should go to the Embassy Ball to watch the professionals. Even the amatuers (this is a division when competiting) were amazing. The quality of dancers in every division was astounding. We were very lucky to have the opportunity to watch Zoran and Tatsiana in the IDSF Amatuer Championship competition (Blackpool 2010 Amatuery winners), and Yulia and Riccardo, and Melinda and Andrej in the Professional Latin Championship competition.

We even ran into Melinda and Andrej at the airport checking in. We were such groupies - screaming at them and shouting adorations! We may sound crazy, but, oh my god, these are people you see on your tiny computer and television screens. Plus, they are from Slovenia. So my chances of seeing them again in person are really slim.

But I must say, I was most uncool when I met Max (you might know him as the really hot pro from Dancing With the Stars). Apparently our coach's wife is an acquaintance of his, and she made a quick introduction. Next thing we knew we were taking a picture with him, and he had his hand on my waist! I don't really remember what I said. Something about how amazing he was. The worst part was that I was shaking throughout the entire experience. And just to prove that I am not making things up, please find the picture attached. He's a greek god - that dances!

Excuse the hair and make-up - remnants from my afternoon of competing.

On a more serious note - Riccardo and Yulia are most certainly one of my favourite couples. Amazing rhythm, intensity and a great partnership. Watching them compete live was a privelege. Check out some of their perfomances from the 2009 World Super Stars Dance Festival:

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My First Comp and I Didn't Pee My Pants!

I made it! I survived my first ballroom competition - in one piece. It was such an intense experience, but so incredibly worthwhile.

We flew into LA on Friday evening and more importantly, our luggage made it as well. Just to be on the safe side I had packed a carry-on with competing necessities - costume, shoes, jewellery and dark foundation. I recommend everyone to do so. A fellow dancer travelling with us was not so lucky. United lost her luggage and she only received it after the competition. (I would like to take this opportunity to say that I have never had a pleasant experience with United for various reasons. I will save this discussion for a different blog)

Saturday flew by so quickly. I was awake at the crack of dawn for various reasons. Anxiety and, also, not knowing how long it would take for me to do my hair for the most part. Having started at 8am I was finally ready at noon. Getting ready involved tanning, doing my hair (with a fro like mine at one point I had two other people helping me), extensive makeup and adorning oneself with jewellery, rhinestones and shiny lotion.

Once I made it to the competition, it finally hit me! I'm actually competing! Yes, there were various intimidating dancers - giving each other the stink eye of course. I fel so uncool! Like an imposter of some sort. My costume wasn't nice enough, my make-up wasn't heavy enough - plus I didn't have a fancy robe like the other girls. This definitely felt like a first day of school nightmare.

Soon enough they were calling numbers of heats and next thing I knew I was being led onto the dance floor. The music started and off we went. I'm not going to lie, it was not good (note: I'm referring to myself, not my talented partner). I was off at certain points and the 1.40 minutes seem to last forever. I was pooped and dragging my ass on the dance floor. But before you knew it, its all over.

My coach came rushing to us, asking how we felt about the experience. He was trying to assess if we had been scarred for life. Hell no, I answered, I wish I could do this every single day! As crazy and scary as it was - it was amazing! I have never felt so alive. We got to do a second round later in the afternoon and the performance only got better. The rumba was amazing and I got through my paso without any falls! And I was calm enough to wink at a few audience members!

At the end of the day, we didn't do so well in terms of ranking. But its important to remember that everyone has to start somewhere. And when you start at the bottom, you can only go up! So, its back to the studio for practice and the countdown for Grand Ball in November begins.

PS: I'm waiting on some pictures. Pictures of us and details of some of the pros we got to see will follow soon. And you won't be able to guess who we ran into at the airport!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

This Will Be the Death of Me

Today in the midst of a full body wax, my esthetician asked me how I was feeling about my competition this weekend. I don't know if it was the excruciating stinging sensations that led to me say the following, or genuine fear.

I said -
It feels like death. I'm going to eventually die, but we don't really dwell or think about it. You just live in the moment and take things* as they come.

*Things being practices, various costume fittings, waxing appointments, self tanning applications and tryng to figure when it is I'm going to pack.

In hindsight, wasn't that just an awful thing to say. One would think I would be so excited and gearing up to the song "eye of the tiger". No - I'm in fact pertified, and am in denial that this is even happening. I'm worried that some Russian will give me the stink eye and that will be the end of my wavering self-confidence. (I have been warned that stink eyes are the norm and unless you are skilled at giving one, you will be eaten alive.)

So after this revelation this evening, I have decided that I am really just digging my own grave. I'm going to try to stay positive. Have some fun and play ballroom dress-up. Fake it till you make it.

Plus, I'm very talented at giving stink eyes.