Saturday, August 21, 2010

Run-ins on the Dance Floor

Last night when I was practicing I got elbowed by a fellow dancer (let's call this violent being - X). However, no apology followed. Apparently I deserved it. Well, I didn't back down without a fight. X and I may go way back but do not elbow me! Rude!

All of this was due to the age old debate - do you get out of the way when other dancers are coming in your direction? When competing, there are often 8 to 10 other couples (so multiply that by 2) on the dance floor with you. So more often than not, you're running into each other. What better place to prepare for these potential run-ins than when practicing. I thought I was helping X and his partner but I guess X did not feel that way.

So with almost 20 people on the dance floor going at a gazillion miles an hour (at least that's what it seems like), I am truly petrified of a showdown of some sort. So much could go wrong! I could fall, lose track of where I am in my routine, etc.... I have seen tumbles and dancers not being able to perform portions of their routines.

My solution to this possibility is to prepare myself by littering the dance floor with obstacles. The hope is that if I can get through it at home, then I will be leaping, spinning and ch-cha walking around my competitors. So X, please feel free to stand in my way. Thank you in advance.

I thought I would a link of some of the world's best on the same dance floor. Check out the near run-ins and how they are handled.

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